Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Mr. Ekted's" ASL Primers

Thanks to Luke (rindu!) who posted in the last comments page:

Dude, I just remembered something. Some links for your learning ASL roll. About a year before the Richfam tutorials came out, ekted from BGG wrote two blog posts, outlining the basics of SK. They were way helpful to me, and he's a cool guy!

Check 'em out!


Jay Richardson said...

Speaking of links, here are a couple of updates:

* A link to an old article explaining how VASL PBEM works can be found here:

Introduction to PBEM

* Ole Bøe's web page (that you already have listed) has been gone for quite some time:

Ole Bøe's IFT Aids

I'm not sure what happened with this... I haven't seen Ole post anywhere for a while, nor does anyone else seem to know why his page disappeared. I think other players have reposted his IFT and IIFT charts elsewhere so they are still available, but I don't have any links handy. They're probably in the GameSquad downloads section, and possibly on BGG and/or CSW as well.

scrub said...

Thanks Jay!

blob said...

Ole Bøe's IFT Aids are on BGG, under "No Title." They're amazing--I met an ASLer who had several of the smaller ones printed out and laminated and he gave me a couple.

I can't imagine playing ASL without them.